Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Arrival, Possibly the Best Movie of the Year

Arrival was possibly my favorite movie of the year, and I see a lot of movies. It was both touching emotionally, unique in its approach, and compelling as a story. Amy Adams, plays a linguist who is charged with the challenging task of helping to understand why a group of extra-terrestrials is here on planet earth. The story encompasses love, loss, and is ultimately about persevering even when all seems lost.

There are so many extra-terrestrial movies made these days and this movie did not fall into any of the stereotypes. Even the depictions of the extra-terrestrials was unique yet totally plausible in the world of the movie. There is literally not one area of the movie that I thought was weak. The writing, the acting, the visual aesthetics, the soundtrack, everything came together and allowed you to focus on the story that unfolds as the movie plays out.

A truly magnificent movie will not only take you on an emotional journey but get you to think about the world, and your life in a different way. This movie did that for me. Amy Adams was perfect in the role of someone who was terrified and yet also fearless in the face of incredible adversity.

If you haven’t seen the movie, go see it. Though the previews were well produced, I don’t think they do the movie justice. There is so much to have an explore in this movie. At the end of the movie I was both satisfied and yet filled with questions. The film was through-provoking and yet satisfying, finding a perfect balance in what was revealed and what was kept hidden. 

And even though there are hints throughout the movie, it really is not until the end that one realizes how all the pieces of the story come together and it is marvelous to behold. 

Kudos to the filmmakers for this movie, I hope come award season, it gets recognized.